Alex Jones Once Again Exposed Himself As A Zionist Media Puppet, He Is Lying About David Duke & Donald Trump

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Alex Jones Once Again Exposed Himself As A Zionist Media Puppet, He Is Lying About David Duke & Donald Trump

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  • By Jack Allen

    I remember when David Duke exposed Alex Jones as a Gate-Keeper for Satan’s Israel. Alex Jones uses anything he can to try to stay in the real Truth Community, but we know who he is now. David Duke never endorsed Donald Trump but Lying Hillary Clinton Want-To-Be Alex Jones says David Duke supported trump. Listen to Jones here

    Listen To David Duke’s real version of events
    [corner-ad id=1]Another Epic Fail For CNN, They Attacked Donald Trump Over Truth Advocate Dr David Duke
    Screen Shot 2016-02-28 at 9.04.35 PM
    David Duke Responds to CNN – Speaks to Trump & All Americans

    By Jack Allen

    Why did CNN not mention Jewish Supremacy groups? Jewish supremacy is huge around the world and these people that follow the Talmud think that all non-Jews are less than animals and have a right to tax these Goyim (non-Jews), steal from these Goyim, use these goyim for their wars and kill these Goyim. The Talmud is the most Satanic and evil thing ever written. For CNN to make something out about David Duke’s past is insane. David Duke was in the KKK 40 years ago. Now Dr David Duke is a successful author and has a successful radio show. He also was a popular Congressman. The Zionist controlled CNN continues to show their media bias and their Zionist agenda. Have you heard CNN say anything about Bernie Sander’s crazed Communist past, do they not say anything about Sanders because he happens to be a Jewish?

    Listen To David Duke exposing Alex Jones. Jones removed this video from his website because is Zionist agenda backfired on him
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