Putin And A Veterans Journal Points Out That The USA Has Gone Satanist

Putin And A Veterans Journal Points Out That The USA Has Gone Satanist

Shocking Article By Veterans Today

The United States of America is a Satanist Country

This is Not a Movie

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  • by Katherine FriskPutin_crop_feature – Some time ago, Putin described the US as being Satanist. In Who’s ‘godless’ now? Russia says it’s U.S., Putin is quoted as saying: “Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values. Policies are being pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in Satan. This is the path to degradation.”

    Most people in the West did not take him seriously. Also note that being “godless” in the eyes of Russians, does not only apply to Christians. Russia has an enviable tolerance for all religions, and both Islam and Buddhism are neither maligned nor persecuted. Putin opened the new Mosque in Moscow last year and the head of the Russian armed forces is a Buddhist. He was not talking of only Christian values.

    Religious tolerance also means respect for other people’s belief system, and that does not include Puzzy Riots on altars, chopping down crucifixes in church yards, blowing up ancient Buddhist statues or chopping off the heads of Shiite Muslims because they refuse to join the murderous Wahhabi Sunni faction.

    So before we laugh at Putin and his statement, Agnostic, Atheist or whatever you may be, please understand that the point I am trying to get across is that you do not have to be religious at all, you do not even have to take sides, but if you look at the social, economic and political outcome of those who follow Satanism, covertly or openly, the fruits of this psychological mindset becomes evident.

    If you are not religious, then at least ask yourself some serious questions about the society that you want to live in and recognize that Satanists take themselves very seriously and are just as fanatical about getting converts as some religious orders are. The more converts they manage to sway to their cause, the more they can move a whole society into believing that their social, economic and political dog-eat-dog world view is the correct one.

    To sum it up, lying and propaganda is considered an art form in order to achieve the desired results. 9/11 comes to mind. Truth is anathema.

    Architects and Engineers for 9/11 TruthMurdering everyone and anyone who gets in the way is just all in a day’s work. Michael Hastings, Breitbart, JFK, Martin Luther King. Another example is Madeleine Albright who thought that it was “worth it,” when half a million children died due to sanctions on Iraq. What is that? There is no respect for life.

    Many of these people as part of their initiation in order to  be accepted into these societies are expected murder someone in cold blood, which could explain a lot of “missing persons” in the US and cases that have never been solved. Sometimes they are even expected to  sacrifice babies in rituals.

    Child abuse and pedophilia is part and parcel of the Satanist culture. In real terms one of the few exposures was the Franklin Scandal where young boys were shipped into the White House for sex parties under the Bush administration. 

    Homosexuality is promoted as the norm in society not the exception. Opposing it as the “norm”does not mean that you are homophobic. Rather this is a far cry from Gay rights and tolerance for consenting adults.

    Here are some more recent examples of Satanism in American society:  Satan_Statue_mattanderson5

    When Obama was running for President the first time, the rallying cry was “Yes we can!” In reverse speech this comes out as “Thank You Satan!” Ok, let’s just put that one down to a freaky anomaly.

    How about pro-abortion rallies where the demonstrators, not in reverse speech but in forward speech are chanting “Hail Satan?” I guess we could just put that one down to a fashion statement? Gone are the days of teaching family planning, birth control and responsibility. For them life is meaningless, and murdering your own child is no more and no less than part of ablution. Flush the unwanted down the sewer.

    The Ten Commandments that were once proudly displayed in public places, are now being removed. Other than the religious angle to these commandments what do they say? Basically, do not lie, cheat, steal, murder, take your neighbour’s possessions and do leave your neighbour’s wife alone. Nothing too difficult really for any society to understand or to use as a template for a harmonious political framework.

    What do we see today along with the Ten Commandments disappearing all over the place? Blatant false reporting in the media that sells itself off as an accurate source of information. Goldman Sachs et al. cheating and robbing the world blind with Libor Rate Rigging, currency rate rigging, gold price manipulation, and high frequency trading.

    Whistleblowers in many categories, instead of being praised for exposing corruption, are either suicided or sentenced to long jail terms under rigged evidence. Color Revolutions in order to replace the leaders in other countries with bought and paid for puppets who will make it easier to covet their possessions. Human trafficking where women and children are sold off into the sex slave trade.

    What replaces the Ten Commandments? Why a statue of Satan of course erected in cities across the USA.

    Satanism is no longer some fringe cult. Satanism has become part and parcel of American culture, fashion and politics.

    Recently Justice Scalia died from a heart attack. Not only did he die under very suspicious circumstances that suggest that he was either murdered or that his death was faked, and he now lives somewhere like Patagonia under an alias, but the venue where his death took place and the subsequent reports in the media suggest that the Justice department is now being run by Satanists. Here are some photographs of the lodge where he died. Not exactly your House & Home decorator’s guide is it?

    Read The Rest Here: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/03/29/the-united-states-of-america-is-a-satanist-country/
